dimanche 29 mars 2009

En souvenir...

Road trip from lolo-bsd on Vimeo.

Merci aux 19 abonné(e)s qui ont suivi notre "petite" aventure ;-).

mercredi 25 mars 2009

The end for me.

Hello everybody, today is a very bad day for me, i just come back from the Doctor in Osnabrück (Germany), and he told me that i have some liquid inside my knee with an inflammation all around it.

He also sayed to me that i can't do any sport during 1 week minimum, maybe more.

I can't continue this road trip, i come back to Paris today, thank you all for your support.

I feel really bad today, once again i will not can finish what i wanted to do, life is hard sometimes.

Cyrille will continue his road trip lonely, he will have a nice road trip, thank you all to continue to support him.

It will be too hard for me to give you some others news about it, i'm sorry, please don't joke about my situation because i feel really bad.

Bye everybody.

lundi 23 mars 2009

From Maastricht to Muenster (Germany)

Hello dear friends! We are in germany since yesterday, we are in Anna's home, who is a cool contact of couchsurfing.

Yesterday i had to take the train with my bike from Venlo to Muenster because of my knee, i hurt my leg so i couldn't do bycicling anymore yesterday...

Cyrille did the way lonely from Venlo to Muenster with his bike, you can be proud of him because he did a lot of miles, exactely 180 km!!! I can tell you that is a HUGE performance!!

But before to arrive in Germany we had to do some bike during 2 days, and our first night in our tente! That was a cool experience, and i don't know why but this night there was a strange emotion between us, maybe the begining of a long love story...lol

I forgot to tell you something funny of this first night in the nature, we were in the night searching a place to put our tente, and a man told us that there was a camping near, so we searched the camping and with many luck we found it!

There were light but nobody, we ring at the entrance but nobody too, so we decided to go in the camping without autorisation.

We found a good place to put our tente and we eat inside!

So the day after i took the train lonely from Venlo to Maastricht, and i had a beautifull surprise lol: " POLIZEI CONTROLE"!!!

First they asked me if i had any drugs with me, i sayed "no" and they sayed "open all your bags" lol.

After they put outside of my bags all my luggages and clothes, they took my I.D and called a phone polizei service to know more about me...

That was a fun experience, during 30 minutes i was like a fucking gangster dude lol!!

But sorry polizei, my lonely drug is Adrenaline!

And i finish this report by this fabulous picture of our delicious breakfast of this morning in Muenster, just take a look, it was so good!

Kiss everybody, see you in the next few days, i think about all my friends and my parents who are always supporting me, thanks to all of you and i wish you'll continue to follow our road trip! Bye bye!

dimanche 22 mars 2009

Welcome in Maastricht!

Hello everybody, as you can see i will write in english right now because it's better for everybody lol! So escuse me for my bad english, i hope you will understand a little bit...

Yesterday morning Cyrille and me left Maastricht after so beautifull moments in this place with amazing people!!! I'm thinking about Anna-Linda and all her friends of the "Community Factory" in this huge building in Maastricht!! And i'm also thinking of Timo from Germany, thank you man for your welcome of you and your friends in your house!

If you go to Maastricht you MUST see the "community factory", it's so Big! It's the bigest community that i ever saw, people who live there are artists, musicians, students, and their objective is to live in a system of peace and divide.

At the end of the afternoon on friday we were searching a place to sleep with Cyrille, and we passed in front of a strange place with people who played guitar next to this metal dragon, so we talked with them and they invited us to stay here for the night, that was very cool from them to invite us to stay here with them, but at this moment we didn't know the big surprise that we will have to see this building and people who live there...

At the first time i saw this "caravane living-room", and then i told me that we were in a place of artists, and i like it!

After i saw this, and then my eyes told me "WWAAOOUU DUDE IT'S SO COOL!!!"
So i continued my travel into their building, and every where i walked i saw a new artistic creation...it's incredible

After that, Anna-Linda, a girl who live there since 7 months asked us to visit all the building, so we sayed "yes sure!", and the real travel begin...

So we bounded up the stairs with her and we saw at every floor some different interesting creation, like this floor where live a man of 70 years old who make and build machine to take water under the ground for african people, and i think that is a faboulus project for them, i let you see this...

I don't know exactely what is this, i suppose that is a toy for children like a "tobogan" as we say in french.

After this floor we arrived in a student meeting with people who where speaking about the "power of the present"! We didn't understand all they sayed but believe me it was very funny to be there with them to think about the present's power after more than 400 km by bike lol...i sayed think because at this time we didn't have enough power to talk lol!

After this we continued our way to the top of the building, where it is a special place to make sound, that's so unik to play music into the top of a building like this, up there the look is FANTASTIC believe me...

So we go up on the roof of the building, and that was fucking SICK!!!! I was scary but it was so huge to be there lol! Look at this pics, you can't see very well the height but it's big!

Anna-linda gave us a beautifull piano's concert, she play very well piano, for the history this "piano a queue" come from the street, incredible!

And the visit finished by this super idea who cames real for them, they created a "free shop" behind the building, you can go there and take what you need because it's free! All in this free shop come from donation of people who don't use their objects, books, closes etc. There you can find kitchen's utensils, clothes, books and many things, for this you can say a big "BRAVO" to their community!

And this is a picture wich is a good representation of their life's style, this is W.C for men with a manual system to push water to wash toilet lol.

Also, Big thanks to you Timo for this good night in your house, that was really relaxing for me and Cyrille, hope to see you and take more time to know each others, see ya bro!

And for the "Action of the day", that is the result of my crash 10 km before to arrive in Maastricht lol!

Thank you all of you for your support, i just arrived in Muenster this afternoon, i'm in Anna's home, a couchsurfer's friend too.

I took the train with my bike this morning from Venlo to Muenster in Germany because i hurt my knee, i'll go to hospital tomorrow maybe.

At this moment Cyrille must be on his bike to meet again me here in Muenster.

A little pics from Maastricht when we left this beautifull town with many souvenirs!

And this is a good fish from Maasbracht. See you evrybody, and thanks again for your coms!

vendredi 20 mars 2009

Arrivés à Liège!

Slt tt l'monde, je vs écrit de chez des amis couchsurfers de Liège en Belgique, Martin et Jenny, qui ns ont acceuilli chez eux hier soir après 12 heures de vélo, autant vs dire qu'on était dead lol! Je vous laisse regarder les photos des paysages qu'on a traversés, j'ai pas beaucoup de temps pr écrire cet article car on doit y'aller, direction Muenster en Allemagne! A bientot, merci beaucoup pr vos messages d'encouragements, sa ns aide beaucoup! Bisous

Martin et Jenny de Liège, un grand merci à vous!

mercredi 18 mars 2009

Halte à Charleroi...

Aujourd'hui, Mercredi 18 mars, nous avons profité de cette belle journée ensoileillée pour se balader et découvrir la ville d'Orianne, Charleroi. Voici donc quelques magnifiques clichés pris avec mon appareil de capture d'images instantannées...PS: Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires les gars sa fait plaisir!!! Nous repartons demain direction liège, puis l'Allemagne.

mardi 17 mars 2009

Paris-Belgique en 2 jours, trankil!

Slt tout l'monde! Voilà ça y'est on a réussi notre première petite étape, hé oui Will tu avais raison qd tu me disais que ça allait être dur, en effet 260 km en 2 jours c'est assez hardcore! Dc voici une photo de notre départ (enfin on était déjà à 50 km de Paris) avec notre premier fan, un dentiste de senlis très réputé pr son humour ravageur alias mon ami "J-P"! Je suis content de t'avoir vu pr ce départ...
Lundi 16 Mars nous arrivons à St Quentin vers 21h après 11h de route, ah oui j'oubliais on est parti à 10h de Porte des Lilas. Un contact du site web "couchsurfing", James alias "Jim", nous a gracieusement acceuilli chez lui à St Quentin. Jim est un californien, ancien pilote de canadair et prof de ski (assez hors du commun), et il a acheté une ferme en france il y a de cela 4 ans. Il fait aussi beaucoup de vélo, c'est un sportif complet, et pour la petite histoire il nous a raconté son périple de 90 jours en marche à pied qu'il a fait il y'a quelques années: le chemin de Compostel! Un grand merci pour ton acceuil Jim et à bientôt!
Cyrille s'est endormi avant moi chez Jim...juste une chose qui ne plaira pas à François, alias "smoothy man", c'est le port du casque. Oui je sais Cyrille porte son casque à l'envers, bon bin je suis dsl smoothy man, il fera plus attention la prochaine fois promis!
Alors là on est environ à 80 km de la Belgique et je suis assez fatigué, pour pas dire mort de fatigue! 1 redbull et c'est reparti 10 minutes après.
Hé voilà, on est arrivé en Belgique! Et franchement on est fière de nous, on en a chier grave pendant 2 jours mais on y est arrivé et on a respecté nos délais. Nous voilà donc à Charleroi!
Petit bilan d'arrivée: je sent plus ma main gauche (plus aucune force avec lol), je peu plus plier ma jambe gauche, et j'ai mal au dos mais ça c'est comme d'hab), et Cyrille à mal aux cuisses!

Aujourd'hui Mercredi 18 Mars, c'est la Fête de Cyrille, on a dormi chez Orianne à Charleroi, une "couchsurfeuse" très gentille qui nous a acceuilli dans sa coloc! Première journée de repos, on va visiter la ville, article "Halte à Charleroi" à suivre...Bisous à tous, à bientôt!